J. their analysis through dental care exams and reported that individuals with atopic dermatitis tend to have a greater frequency of carious lesions, and two studies correlated with atopic dermatitis through mycological analyzes. Summary: There are a few studies in the literature that determine the oral aspects of atopic dermatitis. More investigations ABCG2 are essential in order to contribute to the knowledge of such oral aspects and the approach to treat MD-224 these individuals regarding oral health. [18]. The treatment is based on the exclusion of the environmental causes such as dust and weather conditions; and association with topical corticosteroids. However, due to factors such as frequent recurrence, rebound of the disease, due to the use of potent topical corticosteroids, the literature suggests new restorative alternatives for individuals with AD [19]. Despite all the recent information found in the literature, the oral health of children with AD is still insufficiently resolved especially since particular important factors, concerning oral health, influence the daily life of individuals with AD. Chronic diseases such as atopic dermatitis usually have a multifactorial etiology, and therefore their analysis and medical follow-up require a multidisciplinary professional approach in which dentistry takes on a prominent part as the oral cavity frequently signals or evidences important manifestations of such diseases [20]. Since 1987, studies have shown correlations between atopic dermatitis and possible manifestations/ alterations in the oral cavity like an increased rate of recurrence of class I occlusion, reduced overbite, susceptibility to cariogenic activity, reactivation of the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1), causing its release into the oral cavity, and the worsening of AD in individuals with odontogenic focal infections. Moreover, the use of inhaled corticosteroids contributes to the development of candidiasis [10, 11,21-25]. Although there are few studies linking atopic dermatitis to oral aspects, this aspect of AD is clearly still a topic that should be investigated further. Therefore, the objective MD-224 of this work was to describe, through a review of the literature, the oral health conditions and/or aspects recognized in individuals with atopic dermatitis using content articles published over the last 10 years. 2.?Strategy AND SEARCH STRATEGY This study was carried out a literature review [26]. This study came from a research project in atopic dermatitis that experienced an interdisciplinary microbiological and care practices approach that included oral health. The project aimed to promote care and quality of life for AD individuals. The oral elements were highlighted so that the (dental care) professionals were more prepared to assist these individuals and could formulate strategies of treatment. The following (guideline) questions were prepared to perform the present evaluate: What oral aspects were recognized in the medical literature as being related to individuals with atopic dermatitis? Did these findings correlate with the severity of AD? The bibliographical survey consisted primarily of five on-line databases: PubMed, the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Scholar Google, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LilaCS), and the Brazilian Dentistry Library (BBO). As the search criteria, paperwork published and found in the MD-224 advanced search mode were investigated, using cross-correlation with the following keywords: atopic dermatitis, oral manifestations, mouth, oral pathology, dental care caries and stomatognathic diseases which were determined and recognized MD-224 according to the addressed subject. Also, the AND operator was found in these queries. These words had been selected simply because they related to the main topics interest and had been previously checked within the MeSH of Medline. Also, the conditions childhood and oral disorders had been included although these were not directly referred to within the MeSH. The content were chosen from each data source following inclusion requirements: Name and Abstract of this article suitable and linked to the main topics interest; published completely in the next dialects: Portuguese and/or British; online from January 2006 to January 2016 published and/or available; and predicated on first research and/or scientific case reviews. Theses, books, dissertations, patents, books testimonials and content whose theme had not been related to the goal of the scholarly research were excluded. 3.?RESULTS The original search for content resulted in a complete of 24,368 from PubMed content, 169 content from ScieLo, 33,188 from Google Academics, 405 from LilaCS no content from BBO (Fig. ?11). After applying the exclusion and addition requirements, 6 studies had been chosen for the review (Desk ?11). Open up in another home window Fig. (1) Content selection methodology. Desk 1 Features of a number of the.