In the 15 to 40 years age group, women who had never been pregnant had a geometric imply titre similar to that of men (102 for nulliparous women versus 98 for men; P=0.9, Students test), whereas previously pregnant women experienced U 73122 a geometric mean titre significantly higher than that of Rabbit polyclonal to COT.This gene was identified by its oncogenic transforming activity in cells.The encoded protein is a member of the serine/threonine protein kinase family.This kinase can activate both the MAP kinase and JNK kinase pathways. men (146; P=0.05, Students test). Open in a separate U 73122 window Figure 1 test). herpesvirus 6 (HHV6), Indirect immunofluorescence, Roseola, Seroprevalence RSUM: On a dtermin la sroprvalence des anticorps anti-virus herpes hominis 6 dans un chantillon alatoire de 303 personnes issues de la rgion de Qubec. Linfluence de diverses variables sur le titre des anticorps a egalement t value. Le computer virus a t cultiv sur une ligne cellulaire de type HSB-2 et les titres danticorps ont t mesurs par immunofluorescence indirecte. Les chantillons de srum ont t prlevs chez 177 femmes et 126 homines dont lage variait entre 2 mois et 88 ans. Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf pour cent (300 sur 303) de cette populace prsentaient un titre danticorps suprieur ou gal 1:10, alors que le titre tait suprieur ou gal 1:80 dans 75 % des cas. La moyenne gomtrique des titres tait plus leve chez les femmes que chez les homines (P=0,06). Cette diffrence entre les sexes variait selon lage et devenait significative chez les sujets ags de plus de 20 ans (P=0,04); on a tabli quelle tait imputable a des titres danticorps suprieurs chez les femmes appartenant au groupe d a ge des 15 40 ans ayant eu des enfants. In 1986, salahuddin et al (1) explained a new human herpesvirus isolated from patients with numerous lymphoproliferative disorders and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). Ultrastructural studies have shown that this 160 to 200 ran DNA enveloped computer virus, with an icosahedral nucleocapsid made up of 162 capsomeres, belongs to the family (2). According to DNA hybridization studies, the double-stranded DNA genome (110 kilobase pairs) is usually distinct from your DNA of other herpesviruses (3,4). It is also biologically and immunologically unique from herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr computer U 73122 virus and varicella-zoster computer virus. In the beginning called human B cell lymphotropic computer virus, this agent was redesignated human herpesvirus 6 because of an expanded cell tropism (5,6). In fact, human herpesvirus 6 can infect new mononuclear cells, T and B lymphocytes, and other human cells (megakaryocytes and glioblastoma cells) (7,8). In addition, human herpesvirus 6 predominantly infects mature CD4 T lymphocytes (9) and exerts U 73122 a strong cytopathic effect on them (5), although CD4 is not the membrane receptor for human herpesvirus 6 (10). This computer virus has been causally linked, by viral isolation and seroconversions, to exanthem subitum (roseola) by Yamanishi et al (11). Another research team reported possible serological association with sarcoidosis, malignant lymphoma and, to a lesser extent, Sj?grens syndrome (12). Furthermore, the fact that human herpesvirus 6 and U 73122 human immunodeficiency computer virus type 1 (HIV-1) can co-infect human CD4+ T lymphocytes in vitro suggests a role for human herpesvirus 6 as a cofactor in AIDS (13,14). although this issue is still debated (15,16). Recently, Dubedat and Kappagoda (17) reported human herpesvirus 6 as a possible cause for hepatitis. Except for roseola, all other disease associations are purely speculative. Knowledge of the epidemiology of human herpesvirus 6 is essential if one is to understand its natural history and evaluate the role of this virus in different clinical settings. Highly discrepant results have been reported in seroprevalence studies (1,18C26). In these reports, prevalence of antibodies against human herpesvirus 6 has ranged from 2 to 95%. The authors determined the presence of antibodies against human herpesvirus 6 in 303 randomly selected individuals from the Quebec City area. The importance of different variables (age, sex, parity) on antibody titres was also evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Viral culture: Human herpesvirus 6 (Dv strain) (19) was propagated in the HSB-2.