Partial nucleotide sequence of the Japanese encephalitis virus genome
Partial nucleotide sequence of the Japanese encephalitis virus genome. for 21 days, whereas only one of the two remaining animals survived. No unimmunized animals exhibited a rise of neutralizing antibody or survived challenge. Levels of JE virus-specific immunoglobulin M class antibodies were elevated following challenge in half of the unimmunized mice and in the single…
The hypointense region within the epileptogenic lesion is indicative of nanoparticle accumulation, which causes a reduction in signal intensity on T2-weighted image
The hypointense region within the epileptogenic lesion is indicative of nanoparticle accumulation, which causes a reduction in signal intensity on T2-weighted image. such as surgery (resection or removal of small areas of the brain where the seizures originate) [4], vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) [5, 6], electrical stimulation [7], or dietary treatment (the classic ketogenic diet…
After identification by Coomassie blue staining, the supernatant was divided into Eppendorf tubes and stored at ?80?C
After identification by Coomassie blue staining, the supernatant was divided into Eppendorf tubes and stored at ?80?C. Pulldown assay To determine the conversation between p53 and MDM2 in vitro, a GST pulldown assay was preformed following the protocol described previously45. inhibitors was used to validate this method, and exhibited its utility, sensitivity and robustness. In…
2010;70:8822C8831. was activated in response to lapatinib treatment to induce IL-6 expression. Furthermore, our data showed that microRNA-7 directly binds and inhibits Raf-1 3UTR activity, and that down-regulation of miR-7 by lapatinib contributes to the activation of Raf-1 signaling pathway and the induction of IL-6 expression. Our results not only revealed IL-6 as a key…